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Wisconsin Alliance for Composers Membership Information

To join WAC and/or MadWAC, print, fill out, and mail the membership form with your dues payment.

WAC Membership Categories

Yearly membership dues are payable upon joining WAC and run for a full calendar year from that date. There are three membership categories:

Full membership is available to composers who currently reside in Wisconsin or who have previously lived in the state. Reduced rate student membership is available for students through the college undergraduate level. Benefits include: full voting rights, eligibility for election to the WAC Board of Directors and to WAC Office, eligibility for programming of your works on WAC concerts, inclusion of your works in the WAC Catalog of Compositions, receipt of all WAC Newsletters, Composer Opportunity Updates, and the WAC Catalog of Compositions, and access to WAC mailing lists.

Associate membership is for performers and other interested individuals in Wisconsin or anywhere in the country. Benefits include: eligibility for election to the WAC Board of Directors and to WAC Office, receipt of all WAC Newsletters, WAC Composer Opportunity Updates, and the WAC Catalog of Compositions, and access to WAC mailing lists.

Institutional membership is available for orchestras, schools, music departments, libraries, foundations, or similar institutions. Benefits include: receipt of all WAC Newsletters, WAC Composer Opportunity Updates, the WAC Catalog of Compositions, WAC concert programs and access to WAC mailing lists.

MadWAC Membership Categories

Madison chapter membership dues are payable upon joining MadWAC and run for a full calendar year from that date. (Membership terms for WAC and MadWAC need not coincide.) MadWAC also has three membership categories:

Full membership is open to any composer who has lived or worked in Dane County, Wisconsin. Full members eligible to participate in all MadWAC programs, receive reduced admission to MadWAC events, and serve as an officer of the group. Full members of MadWAC must also be full or student members of WAC. MadWAC does not discriminate on the basis of the composer's sex, color, religion, nation of origin, sexual orientation, disability, or musical style!

Associate membership allows any new-music enthusiast or performer to support MadWAC, to receive reduced admission to MadWAC events, and to be eligible to serve as an officer of the group.

Institutional membership is available for arts organizations, schools, and libraries which wish to support MadWAC. Institutional members receive all MadWAC mailings, and must be institutional members of WAC.


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Copyright © 1997-2003 Wisconsin Alliance for Composers. All rights reserved.
Last updated 15 December 2003. Contact information.