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 WAC Newsletter, October 1996
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WAC News

Spring, 1997 WAC Conference to be held in Madison

The Madison Chapter of WAC (MadWAC) will host the spring, 1997 statewide WAC conference on April 25 and 26, 1997. Compositions are being solicited for chamber ensemble, string quartet, and organ, as well as electronic, multimedia, and improvisational works. Questions regarding the conference may be directed to David Drexler. The deadline for score submissions is January 1, 1997. Watch for further details regarding the conference in the February, 1997 issue of the Newsletter.

WAC-on-the-Web under development

WAC thanks those members who have forwarded information for inclusion on a planned WAC site on the World Wide Web. The initial solicitation for member information appeared in the May, 1996 Newsletter. Tom Powell, WAC Vice President and site developer, reports that he will still gladly accept submissions from members who have not yet sent them in. Interested members should send the following to Powell: a small photograph of the composer, preferably a head shot no more than 4 inches square; a brief bio.; a list of compositions; contact information. The preferred means of submitting information is via e-mail to: trpowell@students.wisc.edu. Photos may be sent to Tom Powell, 130 E. Gilman St., Madison, WI, 53703. Members may also send information on floppy disk to the above address, Microsoft Word for the Macintosh preferred, though other word processors and IBM format are acceptable also. For those who are also scanner literate, you may also scan your photo and forward it to Powell as a "TIFF" file.

WAC concert held in La Crosse

WAC sponsored a "Concert of New Music for Chorus, Brass, Organ, and more" last April 13, 1996, at the English Lutheran Church in La Crosse. The concert was organized by Chris Frye and featured the two winning works in the La Crosse Chamber Chorale composition competition: What's the Fuss?, by Ivar Lunde and Three Fragmented Farces by Gary Walth. Other composers whose works were performed include Al Benner, David Bohn, James Chaudoir, Ryan Conners, Michael Cunningham, and David Kraehenbuehl. Despite a number of competing events, the concert was attended by an enthusiastic audience. Composers and performers also attended a post-concert reception at Chez Frye.

MadWAC's 99-cent concerts

The Madison Chapter of WAC will present another of its "99-cent" concert series on October 10 and 11, 1996, at 8:00 p.m., in the Spotlight Room of the Madison Civic Center. Featured will be newly-commissioned works by MadWAC composers Royce Dembo, Joseph Koykkar, Kirk Miller, Robin Park-Doob, and Tom Patterson. Questions may be directed to MadWAC Co-Director David Drexler.

WAC Newsletter, October 1996
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Last updated 26 June 1997. Contact information.